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Dough Rolling Machine

Dough Rolling Machine The easy part of the work with the dough pruducts are to prepare the dough with an industrial dough kneader with correct mixture. The main part of the work is the  spreading the dough and to get  desired thickness .Tears may occur even if the thickness of the dough is appropriate.   If the dough is made in an industrial kitchen,time to time for accidents occours  such as tears of the dough. In addition to the density of industrial kitchens, the dough pro...

Posted by admin in Dough Rolling Machine. | Viewed 1978 times Read more...

Industrial Refrigerator Buying Guide

Industrial Refrigerator Buying Guide The industrial refrigerator is one of the basic needs of all commercial kitchens. Whether it is a large-scale service or small-scale, an industrial refrigerator must be available for food and beverage storage. But how will you choose the right refrigerator if you have never had a business like this before? What to pay an  attention while buying a refrigerator? What are the types of industrial refrigerators? What are the differences? If you have these que...

Posted by admin in Industrial Refrigerator Buying Guide. | Viewed 1944 times Read more...

Dishwasher Buying Guide

Industrial Diswasher Buying Guide. An excellent meal eaten out can easily ruin a dish that has been dirty. No owner of a place like this, want to be remembered with meals that return to nightmares. For this reason, it is very important to use the proper dishwasher in places that sell food. So how can you choose the right dishwasher? In order to choose the right dishwasher, you need to know the  features of the machines. Industrial dishwashers are different from domestic dishwashers. A lot o...

Posted by admin in Dishwasher Buying Guide. | Viewed 2520 times Read more...

About Stainless Steel Used in Kitchen

90% of your kitchen hardware is made of stainless steel but why some products look different from the other? Some durable than others?.. Some magnetic and others not?.. Simply it turns out that S/S made of hybrid metals. You shouldn’t buy a product which is insufficient for your needs nor spending money on a piece of equipment which provides more protection than you really need. Just be aware of what you are investing your money into! Well, KARELLI have been making stainless steel benches,...

Posted by admin in Stainless Steel. | Viewed 2536 times Read more...

Food Quality

Food Quality Foods are naturally deteriorate as their age.  The science of food storage and preservation has improved from our attempts to slow that deterioration.  The main anxiety with shelf life quality of foods is preventing spoilage microorganisms from growing.It is done by food preservation methods (caning drying, , etc.).The next factor is  Oxygen. Oxygen catalyzes chemcial reactions that help to rancidity.  Remove the oxygen in most cases will extend the shelf quality...

Posted by admin in Food Quality. | Viewed 2564 times Read more...

Food Storage

  Companies that use industrial kitchen ,commercial  kitchen  , kitchen quipment , catering equipment and restaurant equipment must show  great importance  of storing them  healthy and hygiene norms.     FOOD STORAGE   Storing up food in appropriate condition  is also very  important   as much as to purchase them. Rice , wheat , beans ,chickpea  should be cleaned from stone and other foreign materials  .   Oils shou...

Posted by admin in Food Storage. | Viewed 2845 times Read more...

Food Preparation and Food Hygience

Companies that use industrial kitchen ,commercial  kitchen  , kitchen quipment , catering equipment and restaurant equipment must show  great importance  to the used nutrition and food  as much as preparation,cooking,serving and storing them  healthy and hygiene norms.   Hygience at Food Preparation and cooking   If the food  prepared and cooked  by inappropriate methods  below listed result will occur: 1 Flavor , appearance, color, consiste...

Posted by admin in Food Preparation and Food Hygience. | Viewed 2703 times Read more...